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Some days ago I have been somewhat focused on welding issues, and returning a little to the basics mainly on safety issues and I remember that during my initial preparation I noticed that there was a certain aura of mystery around the use of argon gas in welding processes with regarding safety.

For me it was interesting because I was just making a change of professional focus from the medical area to the industrial area. At that time I looked for some clinical studies that talked about the subject and did not find much.

I was reviewing some clinical studies this week (mainly with the New Jersey State Department of Health, the Mayo Clinic and some other sources of this type of information)

It caught my attention that, currentlyNo occupational exposure limits have been established for Argon. However, it can present a health risk. Workplace safety practices must always be followed.

Argon decreases the amount of oxygen available. It is important to periodically measure the oxygen content to verify that it is at least 19.5% by volume.

Health risks:

  • Acute health effects:
  • The following acute (short-term) health effects can occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Argon:
  • Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes.
  • Contact with liquefied argon can cause frostbite injury to the skin.
  • Very high levels of argon can decrease the amount of oxygen in the air and cause suffocation with symptoms of headache, rapid breathing, dizziness, weakness, tiredness, drowsiness, tremors, loss of coordination and judgment, and the feeling of fading.
  • Higher levels can cause nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, coma, and death.

Chronic health effects

The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to Argon and can last for months or years:

Cancer Risk:

According to the information currently available to the department, studies are lacking to determine the carcinogenicity of argon.

Reproductive health risks

According to the information currently available, studies are lacking to determine the reproductive health potential of argon.

Other effects

  • Studies are lacking to determine argon's ability to cause other chronic effects.
  • There is no specific test for argon-related medical tests, however, if overexposure is suspected or symptoms are experienced, medical attention should be sought.
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